Sunday 16 November 2014

I am so impressed by Lav LIFE. I follow it everyday and wish that someone would do a thorough news spiel on this group. This is one of those successful "Power of Many"stories you only ever read about happening elsewhere on the planet. How a small group of passionate locals can push a corporate steamroller on on its side but in a way that is also respectful and well informed. I think Lav LIFE is amazing. Your fire burns strong despite the scrutiny. You keep your game on high and never stop searching for clues, answers, the grit behind the issues and you never stop being professional and brave - why? because it matters. Without your group, this Pellet Plant/Tolko twosome would have long ago pushed forward its selfish agenda without check or scrutiny. If all that can be done in the end is to hold these industry corporations accountable, then you have succeeded.

I wish that an investigative reporter could do a province-wide story on this and undercover even more dirt on what is going while highlighting the work done by your group. 

You are all heroes.You all deserve medals for all the work you've each done and continue to do.

Evan R (Lavington)